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Happy Summer Holidays - we re-open to pupils on Wednesday 4th September 2024


The children will have a daily lesson which will have a different focus including:

  • Reading – All pupils will have the opportunity to take part in reading with an adult; this may be on a 1:1 basis (for some children) or in guided reading groups. Guided reading involves the children reading alongside an adult in small groups and sometimes they will also have opportunities to read independently. They will complete activities which help them to develop the skills of decoding and comprehension. The following skills will also be embedded in these sessions; retrieval, inference, deduction and prediction.
  • Grammar and Punctuation – This term the children will increase their understanding of different word classes such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. The children will also increase their knowledge and use of different conjunctions and punctuation.


Writing – for the first few weeks of term, we will be using ‘The Silent Blue Book’ for our stimulus for writing tasks. We also link a lot of our writing in with our topic and the children will complete the following pieces of writing: letters, diaries, tourist leaflets, water poems, explanation texts and persuasive posters.



Here is the video link for 'The Silent Blue Book':