Home Page
The registers officially close at 9.05am. However, teachers are closing their doors at 9.00am as they need to make a start with the morning routine of registers, dinner registers, assemblies etc and they were finding this a struggle. If a child signs in at the office between 9.00 and 9.05am they won’t be marked late. Classroom doors open from 8.50am and we recommend children arrive as close to this time as possible.

Well being


Welcome to our Wellbeing Information page for parents and carers.


Below you will find more information on well being and how we are trying to embed it into our school life and do our best to ensure that your children are well equipped for all aspects of life.


Your children come to school to learn; new academic skills, how to be responsible citizens, to expand their interests, to be good friends to others, to respect diversity and individuality to name just some. We take pride in the wide and creative range of learning opportunities that we provide throughout our curriculum, assemblies and extra-curricular activities.


But it does not stop there.


In order to ensure this learning can take place, we also try to ensure that nothing hinders your child's ability or desire to learn. This means that we are completely invested in nurturing and promoting their well-being at all times.


We want to assure all parents and carers that your child's wellbeing truly is at the heart of all that we do and we are continually learning to improve our ways of monitoring their wellbeing and supporting children whenever and wherever they may need it.


At Arnold Mill we provide sessions for all children to take part in Forest School throughout their time at school. We have a fully trained in-house counsellor. We also have staff that are now trained in ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistance) as well as bereavement. If you have any further questions regarding the support we can offer or if you ever have any concerns about your child's wellbeing, please contact your child's class teacher or our school office.


Please do also contact us in confidence if you need any support with your own wellbeing or the wellbeing of another adult in your child's life. We will do everything we can to support you and your family. 


Below are some links to websites and resources that you may find helpful. These are intended to support you and give you ideas and reassurance so please do not feel you need to do any of the linked activities!

Please remember, staff in school are available to support you at any point so please do contact the office if we can help in any way.



Parent's guide to help with stress

During the summer holidays...