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The registers officially close at 9.05am. However, teachers are closing their doors at 9.00am as they need to make a start with the morning routine of registers, dinner registers, assemblies etc and they were finding this a struggle. If a child signs in at the office between 9.00 and 9.05am they won’t be marked late. Classroom doors open from 8.50am and we recommend children arrive as close to this time as possible.


Arnold Mill Primary School- helping others!


Thank you to everyone who kindly donated their shoes at the end of the 2017-18 term.


Members of the PTA helped to collect all the donated shoes and take them down to Clarks in Arnold.

Over 90 pairs of shoes were donated in total.


Your shoes will help change lives by buying educational equipment, giving children the chance to learn no matter where they are or what disaster has struck them.