At the age of seven parental influence on children’s learning is six times that of the school, and by the age of eleven it is still a third greater. Working effectively with parents and carers to help them to support their children’s learning and development is crucial, right through from Nursery to Year 6.
All staff warmly welcome opportunities to meet with parents and carers to share celebrations, discuss strategies to support emotional well being and to enable children to make the best progress possible and develop a life long love of learning.
We have our staff in the office who are our first welcome and immediate support. Miss Robinson, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Gibbs and Mrs Baldwin are available in the office to advise and ensure visitors, parents, carers and children have a friendly, informative welcome on entering the school.
Mrs Oldfield our Head Teacher, Mr Hewlett our Deputy Head Teacher and Ms Ward our Assistant Head Teacher are always happy to arrange a time to meet with families.
Mrs Slater our SENDCo is always happy to offer support and advice regarding special educational needs, accessibility, behaviour, and can sign post you to other members of the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Team.
All members of staff have had up to date safeguarding training and are willing to offer support and guidance on request. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Oldfield.
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