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The registers officially close at 9.05am. However, teachers are closing their doors at 9.00am as they need to make a start with the morning routine of registers, dinner registers, assemblies etc and they were finding this a struggle. If a child signs in at the office between 9.00 and 9.05am they won’t be marked late. Classroom doors open from 8.50am and we recommend children arrive as close to this time as possible.

F2 Virtual Visit

Welcome to Arnold Mill Primary School


Below you will find videos of our Foundation Unit. There is also some extra information which we hope you will find useful when making the very important decision of which school is the right one for your child.


At Arnold Mill, our Foundation Unit consists of a F1 classroom and two F2 classrooms. There are 45 F2 children across the two classes and all the children in the unit share both the inside and outside learning areas. 


We have a very dedicated, friendly and experienced Foundation team who will ensure your child settles quickly and makes the best start possible to their time at Arnold Mill.


If you have any questions or would like any further information please email the school office at office@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk.


Foundation Outside Area

Still image for this video

Class F2a

Still image for this video

Creative Room

Still image for this video

Class F2b

Still image for this video

Extra photos of around school

To find out about what our current F2 children have been doing and to see some more photos of the unit, follow the link below.

