Our approach to managing behaviour is very much based on a positive approach. We firmly believe that children have a right to learn and that if behaviour is good, then learning can take place. As adults, we have high expectations and we have clear parameters as to what is acceptable and what isn’t. From the age of 3, through to Year 6, the children learn that they have to take responsibility for their own actions and that they have to make the right choices.
On entry to the Foundation Stage, the children are taught the ‘Five Finger Plan’. This is a child friendly way of teaching our expectations. The Five Finger Plan consists of:
These then form the basis for our school rules, which are:
Children are rewarded for good behaviour, good manners and good work. The whole school reward system is called ‘Reach for the Stars’. Children receive ‘green cards’ or ‘green stars’ in F2 for good behaviour, sustained effort and general positive actions throughout the school. Gaining these, lead to the children receiving a series of certificates from blue to gold. These achievements are celebrated at the end of Shining Star assemblies. In F1, the children’s achievements are recognised on the ‘Pride Vine’. Shining Star Assemblies are used on a weekly basis to highlight achievements made by an individual.
Every half term, 2 children per class are selected by class teachers as their ‘Always Children’ – the children who always make the right behaviour choices. These children receive a head teacher’s gold sticker and a letter of commendation from Mrs Oldfield in recognition of their excellent behaviour.
If a child chooses the wrong behaviour, there is a clear sanctions system, (The Behaviour Code), which runs through every aspect of school life, including lunchtime and in Breakfast Club. This Behaviour Code is displayed in every classroom, the hall and at various other points around the school. It is referred to regularly in assemblies, at playtime, lunchtime and during time in class. The classroom based Behaviour Code is as follows:
In extreme cases, a fixed -term exclusion may be considered if all other options have not been helped improve behaviour. This is very much used as a last resort and is rare.
We occasionally use internal exclusions, where a child may spend longer periods of time away from their own class, in order to try to help them modify their behaviour, this is more severe than just time out sessions in other classrooms and parents would be informed if we were using this strategy.
The classroom Behaviour Code has been adapted slightly for lunchtime and playtime but follows exactly the same principles.
If a child repeatedly makes the incorrect choices and does not respond to school support, we may involve outside agencies.
We will always keep you informed if we have concerns regarding your child’s behaviour and if you would like to read the full Behaviour Policy, it can be found on the school website.
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