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The registers officially close at 9.05am. However, teachers are closing their doors at 9.00am as they need to make a start with the morning routine of registers, dinner registers, assemblies etc and they were finding this a struggle. If a child signs in at the office between 9.00 and 9.05am they won’t be marked late. Classroom doors open from 8.50am and we recommend children arrive as close to this time as possible.


Arnold Mill Branded Uniform

Uniform Policy


Arnold Mill is a ‘uniform’ school. It is expected that the uniform policy is adhered to in its entirety.  We believe that uniform creates a sense of identity and pride in the school. 

Key Stage 1 & 2


  • black skirt, pinafore dress or trousers (no jeans or leggings)  
  • royal blue sweatshirt or royal blue cardigan
  • royal blue fleece and waterproof 
  • white polo shirt or blouse
  • black shoes (NO boots or trainers)
  • black tights
  • able to wear black shorts or a blue gingham dress and white socks in the summer.



Foundation Stage  (not compulsory in Nursery)


  • black jogging bottoms, skirt or trousers (no jeans)
  • royal blue sweatshirt or fleece and waterproof 
  • white polo shirt
  • black shoes (no trainers)
  • able to wear black shorts or a blue gingham dress and white socks in the summer.


PE (children need a change of clothing for PE, kit should be kept in a named, drawstring bag)


  •    white t-shirt or polo shirt
  •    Black/Navy shorts or cycling shorts
  •    Black/Navy jogging bottoms or leggings
  •    Black/Navy hoodie
  •    training shoes or plimsolls (with spare socks)




Long hair must be tied back during PE sessions.  Children whose ears are pierced - all earrings must be removed for PE and swimming, if they cannot be removed they must be covered with a plaster which should be provided from home.  




PLEASE name all of your child’s clothing, shoes, PE kit and bookbag/reading folder.  We regularly send bulging bags of unclaimed, unnamed clothing to a local charity, much in excellent condition.



Either logo or non logo uniform and bookbag/reading folder/PE bag is acceptable.

Logo items will be available to order shortly through a dedicated web page. Please return here to order.