Mrs Broniewska (F2a Class Teacher)
Monday - Thursday (In class Monday-Tuesday)
Mrs Humphrey (F2b Class Teacher)
Tuesday - Friday
Mrs Bearne (F2 Class Teacher)
Monday (F2b)
Thursday and Friday (F2a)
Please feel free to email us if you have any concerns or wish to have more information. We will endeavour to answer the same day unless it is a weekend.
Teaching Assistants
Miss Spencer, Mrs Hussain, Mrs Smith, Miss Stanfield, Miss Elms
Here is an overview of our curriculum for each term. Click on the links below:
Remember to use your child's Teams account to keep up to date with what we are doing. We often share important messages and you can see photos of your child's learning.
Some helpful reminders...
Many thanks, F2 team
Our Achievements
We are all special and unique and work hard to be the best we can be. We are proud of what we achieve and we hope you are too! On a Friday we choose someone who has been a shining star that week and attend a whole school assembly to celebrate their achievement.
We have some rules to help us to be safe when we are online. We follow our SMART rules and Smartie the Penguin has also helped us to make good choices. Read Smartie's story by clicking on the link below.
Take a look at the websites below and play some games to help with your child's counting skills, letter recognition, colours and patterns
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