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Happy Summer Holidays - we re-open to pupils on Wednesday 4th September 2024


Welcome to F2


Mrs Broniewska: kmyland@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk

Miss Joynt: hjoynt@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk

Mrs Lowth: tjones@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk



Some helpful reminders...


  • Your child will need to bring a named water bottle with them every day


  • Our PE day is Wednesday. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit on Wednesday's.


  • Please make sure that your child's clothes and PE kits are all labelled.


  • On Wednesday afternoon we learn outdoors and need to have our wellies in school.


  • Your child's reading book will be changed once a week. They may have a reading book and always a story book. As they progress they will also have a Read! Write! folder which needs to be returned to school each day. 


  • Each week, on their reading group day, we will check your child's reading diary to see how many times they have read at home. If they have managed to read three times or more at home they will receive a gold star in their diary. The gold stars count towards the reading pin challenge and can't be back dated, unless a child has been absent.


  • If your child would like a piece of toast as a snack in the morning, please remember to top up your Parent Pay account.


     Many thanks, F2 team


We have some rules to help us to be safe when we are online. We follow our SMART rules and Smartie the Penguin has also helped us to make good choices. Read Smartie's story by clicking on the link below.


Take a look at the websites below and play some games to help with your child's counting skills, letter recognition, colours and patterns