Modern Foreign Language Learning
Learning another language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience. It gives children opportunities to practise specific language skills and to develop respect for languages and cultures other than their own. At Arnold Mill, our chosen modern foreign language is French. We aim to inspire and motivate children to succeed through enthusiastic delivery of the curriculum and constant encouragement so that all children can experience the language classroom as a place where they can 'have a go' and know that their efforts will be appreciated and developed.
Throughout Key Stage 2 children work on speaking, listening, reading and writing so that all aspects of the language are covered. In addition to this, pupils have opportunities to develop their intercultural understanding through learning about the culture and traditions of France. Our MFL curriculum is organised into specific topics for each year group and the acquisition of language skills builds throughout the Key Stage. Children are also introduced to French phonics and sound spellings as an integral part of their language lessons in order to help them connect spoken and written words accurately. They learn through a variety of teaching styles appropriate to the age group including the use of songs, stories and rhymes, interactive activities, memory tasks, talk partner work, listen and repeat technique, mini-whiteboards and games.
Topic Plan 2023/24
Autumn Term: Year 3 All About Me
Year 4 Weather
Year 5 Direction & Position
Year 6 School Life
Spring Term: Year 3 Numbers & Games
Year 4 Animals
Year 5 Space
Year 6 In Town
Summer Term: Year 3 Monsters
Year 4 Our Sporting Lives
Year 5 At The Beach
Year 6 Cafe Culture
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