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Happy Summer Holidays - we re-open to pupils on Wednesday 4th September 2024

Kingswood 2023 updates

Lost Property

Friday 9.45am - All packed up and doing our final activities. Abseiling, archery and vertical playpen.

Thursday 6.00pm - The kids have been fab. This afternoon we walked to the canoes in sunshine and the heavens opened as we got on the river for 35 minutes. They kept going though as we always do. We have amazing children at our school and these 43 really need commending on their behaviour and attitude this week. It’s been a breeze with them.

Thursday 2pm - Finally sunshine! Morning of climbing activities for my group 😊 lots of children conquering their fears and challenging themselves x

Thursday 7.05am - Just woken all the children to this sky! Looks like it is going to be a beautiful day and ready to make some memories!

Thursday 6.30am - We had a great day yesterday and the sun even came out for the afternoon! Every group had a go at lighting fires and built some great buggies. Today we are off onto the River Don for canoeing and doing some more climbs.

Wednesday 1.40pm - The rain has stopped and we’ve had great fun using maps, climbing playpens building buggies.

Wednesday 8.50am - A brilliant nights sleep so refreshed this morning. A little wet but it will not dampen our spirits. We have a range of activities today including orienteering, bushcraft, vertical play pen and buggy building.

Tuesday 5.30pm - The rain has held off and it’s been an incredible day. We are proud of everyone for their resilience and willingness to try new things. Everyone had a go at the climbing wall even some of the adults who didn’t want to originally! We have amazing children!

Tuesday 12.45pm - The rain held off while we built our rafts (yay!). All had showers and off to lunch shortly. Climbing and low ropes this afternoon for all groups.

Tuesday 9.15am - All ready for raft building and the weather is okay. Lots of excited children and lots that want to challenge themselves to conquer fears.

Tuesday 7.30am - All are awake. All slept. We have done archery and nightline so far and are looking forward to Raft Building, climbing and low ropes today. These are the mascot of each team, Robert, Bertie the Bus and Mrs Robinson (we don’t understand it either).

Arrived, had a tour and made our beds. Off to our first activity and the sun came out.