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Cooking Master Class


Each year, Year 5 take part in some basic cooking lessons with Mrs Knight and her brilliant team.  Arnold Mill was worried that a generation of children were growing up thinking that all food had its seal pricked, was stuck in a microwave and 60 seconds later 'ping' and food was produced.


In the cooking master class sessions the children learn many valuable life skills; how to prepare simple, healthy meals, basic food hygiene and food preparation, nutritional facts around a balanced diet and very importantly the teamwork required to make a kitchen work.  The sessions are fantastic and enjoyed by everyone that takes part.


At the end of the course, to give the learning real meaning, the children invite their grandparents for afternoon tea.  They do all the preparation and serve their grandparents the fruits of their labour.  This is a brilliant way of putting their nearly acquired skills into practice.


At the end of the year, as part of our celebration of achievement, Mrs Knight nominates an Arnold Mill chef of the year.