Welcome to Class 2B (Year 3/4)
Class Teachers:
Mrs L Hylton - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (am).
Mrs S Lloyd - Wednesday (pm), Thursday and Friday.
Teaching Assistants:
Miss M Beeson - Monday, Tuesday and Friday.
Miss J Barker - Wednesday and Thursday.
Reminders for September
Autumn Term 2024
Our topic for this term is 'We Will Rock You'; discovering fascinating historical facts about the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age. As part of our Science curriculum, children will be investigating different rocks and soils. Our Geography curriculum will enable children to develop their map skills and locational knowledge. Our knowledge organisers below contain all of the facts that we expect children to retain from these units of work and also all of the key vocabulary.
Useful Information for 2B
This is what you need to bring to school every day:
Tuck is ordered daily by the children. Parents can pay via ParentPay.
Tuck prices
Jam muffin 30p
Cheese muffin 40p
Toast 25p
Crumpet 40p
Teacake 30p
P.E for 2A is on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please can you ensure your child has a suitable outdoor kit and shoes in school as PE will take place outside, either on the field or the MUGA. Please make sure ALL P.E kit is labelled and studded earrings are either removed or tape is brought in to cover them safely. PE kits will be sent home for washing every Friday afternoon and will need bringing back to school the following Monday.
Reading at home
Please read at home with your child at least 3 times a week- it really makes a difference and three weekly reads will be rewarded with a square marked off on your child's ‘reading pin’ challenge in their reading diary.
Children in Year 3 and 4 are set weekly spellings to practise at home. Spelling books are sent home with the children to help them practise whilst at home. We also practise spellings in class.
Times tables
Each week, children will take part in a multiplication maths challenge. Across the school, the children are working on a progressive new system which involves practising old times tables as well as introducing new ones. The children will begin on Bronze, and once they score full marks on all 40 questions involving multiplication and division, they will move onto Silver, and so on. Please see the attachments below to see the structure of the times tables tests your child will be learning.
Internet Safety
During computing lessons, children learn about how to stay safe whilst using the internet and the SMART rules are displayed in the classroom. We all know that the internet is a fantastic resource but it also poses many dangers which children need to protect themselves against. This website is great for helping all of us educate ourselves about this, take a look at it at home.
Computing Lesson Links
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