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RE Curriculum


Religious Education



Religious Education enables children to investigate and reflect on some of the most fundamental questions asked by people. At Arnold Mill Primary School, we deliver an engaging plural, fun and spiritually engaging curriculum which allows children to develop and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the major world faiths. We provide opportunities for children to ask and reflect on challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs, the self, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. We enable children to develop a sound knowledge not only of Christianity but also of other world religions in relation to values. Children reflect on what it means to have a faith and develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. We help the children to learn from religions as well as about religions.


Our Vision


Through the teaching of Religious Education we aim to:


  • Develop moral and social understanding through exploring the concepts of religion and belief and their roles in the spiritual, moral and cultural lives of the people in our society
  • Develop an awareness of spiritual and moral issues in life experiences
  • Develop an understanding of religious traditions and to appreciate and respect the cultural differences in Britain today
  • Prepare pupils for life in modern, diverse Britain
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other major world religions and value systems found in Britain
  • Have an understanding of what it means to be committed to a religious tradition
  • Provide opportunities to promote an ethos of respect for others, challenge stereotypes, celebrate diversity and build an understanding of other cultures and beliefs
  • Be able to reflect on own experiences and to develop a personal response to the fundamental questions of life


RE Policy


Religious Education Curriculum


During their time at Arnold Mill, your child will learn about the six main religions (Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism) and be encouraged to explore and question their own beliefs in light of what they learn. 


Our teaching of Religious Education follows the guidance given in the latest Agreed

Syllabus for Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire:-


Religious  Education for All

The Agreed Syllabus for RE in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire



Using this Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, we will enable our pupils to discover more about religion as well as other world views as we assist them to apply their learning to a range of topics. Our pupils are encouraged to express ideas and insights into key questions which face all human beings as we travel through life. They will take part in lessons, and could also receive visitors to school sharing a range of religious viewpoints and undertake their own visits to varied places of worship, Covid permitting.  

Through these experiences they will gain insights and knowledge to help equip them as responsible citizens, ready to contribute positively to our society and the wider world.

The three-fold aims of RE in Nottingham City and the County will ensure that our pupils:

  1. Know and understand a range of religions and world views which will allow them to recognise the diversity which exists in our city and wider society.
  2. Can express ideas and insights  about the nature, significance and the impact of religions and world views as they develop their own personal views on a range of issues
  3. Develop and use skills which will assist them to engage seriously with religions and world views


By following the Agreed Syllabus, RE will also contribute to a whole range of school priorities. Study of religious and world views will also promote spiritual, cultural, social and moral development, and will support pupils’ understanding of British Values such as acceptance and respect for others who hold different world views.

If you would like to know more about the Agreed Syllabus a copy can be made available for you to read in school. Please contact Kelly Broniewska (kmyland@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk) for more information





Curriculum Overview


To find out more about the RE curriculum at Arnold Mill, take a look at the curriculum overviews for each Key Stage.


RE Around School
Trip to the Holocaust Museum