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Music Curriculum



At Arnold Mill primary School, we believe that music is a unique and powerful form of communication that can change the way pupils feel, think and act. Furthermore, we feel there is great value in combining creativity with emotion that enables personal expression, reflection and development - a life opportunity that can reap dividends in the future.


Our Vision & Aims


  • That children will develop an ability to listen to, and appreciate a wide variety of music, including that which has a specific purpose.

  • That children will have opportunities to explore and express ideas and feelings about music, in a variety of ways, for example through dance.

  • That children will explore a range of musical elements, for example: pitch, tempo and dynamics.

  • That we will encourage active involvement in creating and developing musical ideas using voices and instruments - both tuned and un-tuned.

  • That we will develop a sense of group identity and togetherness through composing, rehearsing and performing music with others, to an audience.

  • That we will help the children develop self-discipline and creativity, aesthetic sensitivity and fulfilment.



“There is no such thing as an unmusical person.”

 Hans Werner Henze


“Music can change the world, because it can change people.”

Paul David Hewson