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Happy Summer Holidays - we re-open to pupils on Wednesday 4th September 2024

Class 1a

Welcome to Class 1A

Year 1 and Year 2

Mrs Carter (Class Teacher) Monday, Tuesday & alternate Wednesdays


Mrs Lloyd (Class Teacher) alternate Wednesdays, Thursday & Friday


Mrs Hussain (Teaching Assistant) Monday-Thursday

Miss Moulson - full time


Welcome to Summer Term  2024!

This half term, our learning is based around growing!  We will be learning about plants and what do they need to grow. We we also learn about evergreen and deciduous trees.  We will also be continuing our year-long study of the seasonal changes. In art, we will be studying the work of Vincent Van Gogh and we will be using tone and colour. In computing, we will be learning digital photography and continuing our online safety lessons through Project Evolve.  We will also have our year 2 camp and a trip to visit the church.  See below for all of our knowledge organisers and see what else we are learning!

A few little reminders...

  • Your child will need a labelled water bottle in school every day.
  • Mondays and Wednesdays are our PE days. Please come to school wearing PE kit and school jumpers/cardigans on PE days. Long hair needs tying back and earrings either removed or covered up for safety purposes.
  • Your child will continue to receive a free piece of fruit every day and milk if you have signed up for it,
  • If your child wants tuck then it would be helpful to your Parent Pay account is topped up every  Monday. If you do not wish for your child to have tuck, please let us know.
  • We will change your child's reading books every Friday. They will need to bring all reading books and their diary into school every day. This will allow us to read with them when we can and change their books each Friday. 
  • We cannot backdate the children's reading so please ensure they have their diary every Friday so they can be given their stars towards their reading pins. 
  • Please check that all the children's items of clothing are labelled.
  • We have access to outdoor learning every day of the school year. Please ensure your child is prepared for the weather as we will not be able to let them go out if they are not suitably protected.

Keep up to date with Class 1A's learning

Please keep an eye on Teams as we will be sharing updates and photos with you as often as we can! Please check with the office if you have given permission for us to send you photos via Teams as, if not, we can't share them with you.

Take a walk through the KS1 unit...

If you would like to do extra things with your child at home then take a look in the subject areas below...

Staying safe online

Parents & carers | Childnet