PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Emotional)
Arnold Mill is a nurturing learning environment in which children are encouraged to develop their full potential. Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment that will enable our children to lead happy, safe and fulfilling lives.
We believe the teaching and learning of PSHE and British Values at Arnold Mill supports and upholds this vision. We provide children with opportunities to develop an understanding of the ever-changing world in which we live, develop the skills necessary to take an active role in their community and manage their life effectively.
In F2, KS1 and KS2, our PSHE lessons are taught using a regularly updated, high quality scheme called SCARF, developed by Coram Life Education. The scheme focuses on Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship. The curriculum is split into 3 core themes:
What children experience (taken from Coram website)
Children’s experience of Coram Life Education’s sessions is fun, engaging and memorable. Children meet Harold the Giraffe puppet (‘Healthy Harold’), and friends, have discussions and watch short films about healthy eating, legal and illegal drugs and their effects, the body and how it works, friendships and their influence, and how choices and behaviours can affect children’s health and education outcomes. Coram Life Education’s interventions include challenging social norms – misperceptions of peers’ engagement with risky behaviour – to engender more positive behaviours.
For more information on the SCARF scheme please click the link below:
In Foundation, F1’s PSHE planning and lesson content comes from the SEAL programme of study and Development Matter.
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