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PE Curriculum

PE & Sport Provision - "Believe & Achieve"

Welcome to another exciting year of sport ahead at Arnold Mill Primary School. Our vision as a school is to provide our pupils with the very best education in all aspects of learning and this is certainly the case within our pupils PE lessons.


We aim to provide ALL children with wonderful opportunities to engage in a variety of physical activities. In addition to receiving 120 minutes of taught PE a week, we offer a range of different opportunities to be involved with sport and physical challenges. This includes our hugely successful "Daily Mile" run which includes all children setting themselves goals and striving to achieve these. 


Children in our school enjoy the physical challenges they are set and taking part in games and opportunities which are offered.

PE Curriculum - Skills Progression


We also offer an extensive range of after-school  and lunchtime clubs, to further enhance their participation and enjoyment of sport. 

Sports Leaders

Some pupils in KS2 apply and are successful in being given the opportunity to be an Arnold Mill Sports Leader. They receive training and support in the theory and practicalities of leading groups in sport. The ultimate aim of the group is for them to lead sessions to other pupils in school during breaks, lunch times, after-school and during PE lessons.


They are also a key part of our Intra-School compeitions and challenges. Planning and delivering a number of events throughout the year.