‘We believe learning transforms lives’
Arnold Mill is an inclusive school where everyone is encouraged to fulfil their potential, discover new talents and develop a love of learning.
Mathematics is a key part of everyday life. From the moment we wake up, we need to be able to tackle problems, be fluent with numbers and understand spatial awareness. We believe that children who view themselves as mathematicians will be able to function independently in the world. Research shows that children’s chances of success are maximized if they develop deep and lasting understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts.
Mathematics is woven through our school day as a natural part of our timetable and continuous provision (FS & KS1). We aim to ‘hardwire’ number facts by teaching our children small steps. Application of these facts in different contexts allows the working memory to think creatively to solve problems (mastery curriculum). Through praise, we create a culture in which every child develops the self-belief to master mathematics and the resilience to solve problems.
Careful planning based on children’s individual needs allows them to master small steps, creating a deep understanding of mathematics. We encourage the children to use their own mathematical graphics to represent their enquiries and ideas, particularly when problem solving. We teach our children to build endurance, develop language skills and foster a curiosity and passion for mathematics ready to tackle problems and utilise the key skills manifested throughout their schooling.
At Arnold Mill we follow the White Rose scheme of work for UKS2 and follow the NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation materials for the rest of the school. This is where we get our objectives from and is the path that we take to ensure ALL children can achieve their maximum potential.
If you have any queries regarding mathematics at Arnold Mill. Please contact our subject leads via the emails below.
Thomas Robinson: trobinson@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk
Georgia Dibley: gdibley@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk
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