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Happy Summer Holidays - we re-open to pupils on Wednesday 4th September 2024

Class 2e

Welcome to Class 2E!


Miss Dibley and Mrs Bullen




On behalf of all the adults and pupils, welcome to our class.

Key Reminders


  • We arrive at school at 8.50am. We finish at 3.30pm.
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays are our PE days.
  • Spellings and spelling homework is given (and tested) every week on Wednesdays with green cards awarded for full marks or outstanding effort.
  • Maths homework is to learn all times tables that are not already known. If you know all of them to 12x12, start on the next ones i.e. 13, 14, 15 times table etc. Don't forget the 25 times table - which is a very useful one! Tables are tested weekly with green cards give to children who improve on their previous scores. 
  • Please use Microsoft Teams for the most current updates. Your child will have a login.



  • We aim for every child to read at least three times a week, and in 2E, for the childrens' sakes, we very much see this as a minimum. Please sign planners, once you have heard your child read. If your child reads 3 times a week they will be rewarded with a green card. If your child is a fluent reader, they can read independently and get an adult to sign their diary to confirm this. We want to be reading champions every week so please help us as much as possible. 
  • Also, every time your child reads three times in one week, they will  get a square marked off on their challenge board at the back of their reading diary. An adult in school will sign and date this square. We will reward your child with reading pins (bronze, silver and gold) as they accumulate the required amount of squares.
  • A fun and worthwhile strategy is to share a reading session, perhaps taking a paragraph or page each. That way, your child hears a model reader!

Spring Term


During the Spring term, in UKS2 we cover two different topics. The first half term is 'Location, Location, Location' - within this topic the children will learn about two contrasting countries around the world. This topic has a Geography driver so we will look at; different human and physical geographical features, locating countries on world maps and ports and industrial areas. 


During Spring two, we will cover the topic 'Crime and Punishment'. Within this topic, the children will visit The Galleries of Justice Museum to support their learning in school. We will look at; crime and punishment in the Medieval times, whether these things were fair or not; Sir Robert Peel who was founder of the Police Force and Nottingham during the Victorian times. 


Our Science learning is all about Properties and Changes of Materials. We will do lots of hands on scientific enquiry to see how materials change. 


Whole School Values

Each month, the whole school will focus on an aspect of British Values.

Children demonstrating behaviour linked to the value of the month can receive a value award in our 'Good book' assemblies. 

Educational Links


Children, below, are a selection of educational links that you can use to help you move forward even further in your learning.


Remember to always seek a trusted adult's permission to use the internet, and remember how your have been taught to be safe online.

Making Spellings Memorable

Maths Revision Games
Other Websites: