Home Page
The registers officially close at 9.05am. However, teachers are closing their doors at 9.00am as they need to make a start with the morning routine of registers, dinner registers, assemblies etc and they were finding this a struggle. If a child signs in at the office between 9.00 and 9.05am they won’t be marked late. Classroom doors open from 8.50am and we recommend children arrive as close to this time as possible.

Class 2d

Welcome to 2D


Teacher: Mr Booth


Teaching Assistants: Mrs White (Tue-Wed & Thurs PM)

Mrs Nicholls (All week except Weds)


Contact: mbooth@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk




A few reminders...

  • We arrive at school at 8.50am. We finish at 3.30pm.
  • Thursday and Fridays are our PE days. Please send your child with appropriate labelled PE kit. 
  • Spellings and spelling homework is given (and tested) every week on Friday morning with House points awarded for full marks or outstanding effort.
  • This will be set through spelling shed, you will find your child's login for this in the back of their diary. 
  • Maths homework is to learn all times tables that are not already known. If you know all of them to 12x12
  • Please use Microsoft Teams for the most current updates. Your child will have a login.



Reading Homework

  • We aim for every child to read at least three times a week, and in 2D, for the childrens' sakes, we very much see this as a minimum. Please sign planners, once you have heard your child read. If your child reads 3 times a week they will be rewarded with a green card. If your child is a fluent reader, they can read independently and get an adult to sign their diary to confirm this. We want to be reading champions every week so please help us as much as possible. 
  • Also, every time your child reads three times in one week, they will get a square marked off on their challenge board at the back of their reading diary. An adult in school will sign and date this square. We will reward your child with reading pins (bronze, silver and gold) as they accumulate the required amount of squares.

Spring Term!


During the Autumn term, our main topic is called, ‘The Vicious Vikings’. In history, the children will explore who the Vikings were and study Viking raids, long ships and homes. In geography, they will develop map work skills and investigate place names in Britain. Our English work will be linked to this topic, and will focus on the genre of recount (diaries, newspapers, biographies etc). The children will write in role as a Viking or Anglo Saxon to create a diary. Our technology topic this term is ‘Moving Mechanisms’. The children will explore mechanisms and how they work and create a design linked to our Viking topic (for example a longboat, dragon or warrior). They will develop skills in measuring, sawing, drilling and joining wood.


In science, the children will identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and explain the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. They will explore the impact of diet, exercise and lifestyle on the way their bodies function. In groups, they will plan and carry out an investigation on heart rate.


In R.E., the children will look at ‘Journeys through life’ and explore some important, special times and ceremonies in the lives of Jewish, Christian and Hindu people. The children will also explore possibilities for their own journeys through life and think about their hopes for the future.


In PE, the children will be focusing on developing skills in competitive games. In computing, we will be learning about what the internet actually is and how information can be shared. After half term, we will be doing some video editing.

Homework Website Links:

Fun Links