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Happy Summer Holidays - we re-open to pupils on Wednesday 4th September 2024

Class 2c

Welcome to Class 2C


Miss Butler, Mrs Slater and Mrs Nunley


Contact: lbutler3@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk (Miss Butler - Mondays, Tuesdays + Wednesday mornings)

aslater@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk (Mrs Slater - Wednesday afternoons + Fridays)

Mrs Nunley (Monday-Friday)

Reminders for March -

  • Wellies - Please bring your wellies to school if you would like to play on the grass at playtimes and lunchtimes.



This term we are learning about the Peak District; primarily as part of our Geography lessons but also through English and Art, alongside undertaking our own research. 

Our Science focus will be on Solids, Liquids and Gases. Our knowledge organisers below contain all of the 'Sticky Knowledge' that we expect children to retain from these units of work and also all of the key vocabulary.


If you would like to practise the things we have been learning in class, these are these are the things we have been looking at recently:


  • Subordinating clauses
  • Subordinating conjunctions
  • Co-ordinating conjunctions
  • Present perfect tense
  • Determiners

Knowledge organisers Spring term

Useful information for this half term


Tuck can be ordered daily and is done so through ParentPay.

Tuck prices

Jam muffin 30p

Cheese muffin 40p

Toast 25p

Crumpet 40p

Teacake 30p



P.E for 2C is on Monday morning and Thursday afternoon.  Please can you ensure your child has a suitable outdoor kit and shoes in school as PE will take place outside, either on the field or the MUGA.  Please make sure ALL P.E kit is labelled and studded earrings are either removed or tape is brought in to cover them safely. PE kits will be sent home for washing every Friday afternoon and will need bringing back to school the following Monday. 


Swimming is on Friday mornings and will continue until July. Please click here to see the guidance letter about appropriate swimwear.


Reading at home

Please read at home with your child at least 3 times a week- it really makes a difference!  (Green Cards and a stamp on the reading challenge will be rewarded) Diaries will be collected on a Friday.



Children in Year 4 are set weekly spellings to practise at home.  Please ensure you look over their spellings regularly as taking the time to learn these will greatly affect their achievement and confidence in their Friday weekly spelling test.  


Times tables

Each week children will have a timed times tables test (Thursday). Across the school, the children are working on a progressive new system which involves practising old times tables as well as introducing new ones. The children will begin on Bronze, and once they score full marks on all 40 questions involving multiplication and division, they will move onto Silver, and so on. The children all have a login for Timestables Rockstars and this links with the test they are set at school so practising on here at home will be helpful.  Please see the attachments below to see the structure of the times tables tests your child will be learning. 


Internet Safety


During computing lessons, the class have learnt about how to stay safe whilst using the internet and the SMART rules are displayed in the classroom. The children understand that the internet is a fantastic resource but it also poses many dangers which they need to protect themselves against. This website is great for helping all of us educate ourselves about this, take a look at it at home.






Our topic for this term is the 'Our Arnold'; discovering fascinating facts about our local area. We will learn about the history and geography of our town through walks around Arnold and through research within other areas of the curriculum. As part of our Science curriculum, children will be investigating the Human Body. Our knowledge organisers below contain all of the 'Sticky Knowledge' that we expect children to retain from these units of work and also all of the key vocabulary. 


Maths Links