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Happy Summer Holidays - we re-open to pupils on Wednesday 4th September 2024

Class 2a

Welcome to Class 2A


Mrs Keeton (Class teacher - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) lkeeton@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk 

Mrs French (Class teacher - Thursday and Friday) jfrench@arnoldmill.notts.sch.uk

Mrs Rathore (Teaching assistant- all week)




This term the children will investigate the geographical features of a river. They will also learn about the achievements of the earliest civilisations with a specific focus on ‘Ancient Egypt’. We will investigate the River Nile and how much of the life of Egypt depended on the Nile. In Science, the topic for the first half term is Forces and Magnets. The topic for the second half term is Electricity.There will be lots of opportunities for practical activities and scientific  investigations. Children will also be introduced to scientific vocabulary which links to these topics and will be encouraged to use these new words in their science work.

Information for children in 2A



  • Drop off time: 8:50am                       Collection time: 3:30pm


This is what you need to bring to school every day:

  • a named water bottle
  • a named coat
  • your reading book
  • your reading diary



Tuck is ordered daily by the children. Parents can pay via ParentPay. 

Tuck prices

Jam muffin 30p

Cheese muffin 40p

Toast 25p

Crumpet 40p

Teacake 30p


PE Lessons

Your PE lessons will be on a Monday and a Thursday. 

Please contact us if you need any advice.

Have you seen the Kids' Zone Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.