Welcome to Class 1C
Year 1 and Year 2
Mrs Appleyard (Class Teacher)
Miss Stanfield (Teaching Assistant)
Keep up to date with our learning...
Take a look at what we are learning this term on the website.
Please keep an eye on Teams as we will be sharing updates and photos with you as often as we can!
Welcome to Autumn Term 2024!
This term our learning will centre around ourselves. We will use Oliver Jeffers book 'Here we are' as our starting point and begin to find out about what makes us special. In science we will be thinking about different animals and what they need to live and grow and we will start our year long study of seasonal changes by adopting one of our school trees. In Geography, we will be exploring our surrounding area and in History we will be exploring people who have made Nottingham great! In art, we will be studying the works of different portrait artists and we will be using tone and colour. In computing, we will be learning about data and information grouping and continuing our online safety lessons through Project Evolve. See below for all of our knowledge organisers.
Staying safe online
KS1 National Curriculum
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