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Arnold Mill Curriculum Information

At Arnold Mill Primary School we believe in a broad and balanced curriculum, incorporating Early Learning Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum, in a resource rich and stimulating environment.  This promotes a positive, challenging, and enjoyable learning experience which meets all our children’s needs and abilities. To enable all our children to enjoy, achieve and develop creative approaches to thinking and learning, the curriculum is delivered through topics and experiential learning opportunities through visits and trips. We also ensure that the children experience a variety of range of enrichment activities such as historians, theatre groups, poets, and musicians. 


We strongly believe that children need to develop resilience, social and emotional skills if they are to participate fully in society. It is our awareness of this need which has led to the broad, experiential form of curriculum organisation that we have adopted, and to the inclusion of an extensive Personal, Social and Health Education programme. 


Our class teachers are responsible for teaching the curriculum with specialist provision for French, Music, and PE.  We offer a range of extracurricular activities which support and motivate children to achieve their full potential in areas such as sport, the arts, computing, and outdoor learning.  


Staff at Arnold Mill Primary School have devised an engaging curriculum plan based upon the programmes of study with careful consideration of the needs of our children. We maintain our belief that learning is lifelong and that the skills and attitudes we instil in the early stages of our children’s lives should stand them in good stead for the future. 


At Arnold Mill Primary School, all teachers are responsible for providing an inclusive curriculum that is differentiated for those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. 


Our inclusion statement emphasises the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all pupils including those with SEND. Additional information on this can be found in our  SEND Inclusion Policy and Equality Scheme.

Arnold Mill Curriculum Booklet 'Golden Thread'